27 Reasons Getting Fat is Amazing

"Wait, you want to get fat?" 

If you've ever explained gaining to anyone not in the know, you've heard a variation of that incredulous question. Anyone not initiated into the wonderful world of gaining and encouraging can't help but wonder: Why?

Our Before/After photos go in a whole new direction.
Well, well, you've come to the right place. Not all these reasons may appeal to you, but you gotta admit, there are some legit reasons to put on a few. I divided the reasons into a few categories to make it a bit easier to digest. You've probably been doing enough digesting lately, am I right? (Cough. Sorry.)

Your Appearance
New clothes
Fat is soft, tactile, and hot
Growing is hot and masculine
Comparison pictures
Belly overhang
Finding out how your body fills out

The Feeling
Jiggling belly
Feeling comfortable in your own skin
Tight clothes
Sense of accomplishment
Butt being wider than chairs
Becoming softer
Taking up more space
Better cuddles
Feeling large and masculine

You and Society
Be part of a community of people that "get it"
Feel like a rebel
Becoming fattest friend
Measure time in pounds
Belly pokes/rubs/etc.
Being your most authentic self

Eating is fun
Eating for pleasure, not other people's expectations
Eat as much as you want
Food with friends regardless of the time of day, or the number of meals you've had before

What did I miss? Leave me a comment.


  1. Being fatter is so much sexier!

  2. I've wanted to gain for ages but have never been able to afford it. I know gainers are 100% happier fat than they were thin... I can't wait to find out what I've been missing. ;)

    1. I'm 17 and weigh 21 stone I look so dam hot and gay

  3. Reasons that excited me: Growing is hot and fun, finding out how my body fills out, feeling large and masculine, eating is fun, eating for pleasure.

  4. It makes look so dam hot and gay


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